4 Must Try Nigerian Dishes

With the proliferation of African cuisine becoming quite commonplace in America, there's no reason to find a way to get ahold of African food, whether you go to a restaurant, order the food online, or try your own hand at making one of these delicious dishes. Nigerian food, with its heavy emphasis on sautéed veggies and delicious sauces, is becoming increasingly popular among African foods. Included on this list are just a few must try dishes from Nigeria.

Afang Stew

Afang is a leafy vegetable that is similar to spinach. It is an oil heavy dish that primarily uses palm oil as its base, along with the aforementioned afang. The leaves are finely chopped and are generally served with a bit of eba or pounded yam. Afang can be an acquired taste for the Western palate, due to the fact that the leaves themselves are bit tougher than romaine and water-based lettuce, and the flavor itself is considered quite bitter. Once you've acclimated yourself to the unique flavor, however, you will find the dish easy to digest and quite flavorful.

Jollof Rice

Jollof rice is a carb heavy dish that is considered a staple in the Nigerian diet. Tomato, pepper, and onion are combined with a heaping serving of rice with oil to create this dish that will sit on your stomach for hours to come. The dish is traditionally served with hot oil, which can be quite spicy, although this can be toned down to accommodate your taste.


Ewedu is a simple dish to cook and serves as yet another staple of the Nigerian diet. Simply put, ewedu consists of finely chopped jute leaves that are then blended into a mushy concoction. Like afang, jute can be quite bitter, so it is a dish to which many Westerners must become acclimated to. Ewedu is generally served with starchy vegetables in order to add a unique flavor to their base and is sometimes served with the numerous tomato-based stews that are commonplace in Nigerian cuisine.


If you're looking for sweets, don't worry. Nigerian cuisine has you covered. Akara makes for a delicious light snack, or a side for your breakfast entree. Akara is a very simple fried fritter. It is merely a bean cake that has been deep fried. The sweetness of the bean paste used in the dish is offset with the numerous spices and onions that are used in the construction of this complex snack. Buy African food online to enjoy these cuisines in the comfort of your own home.   
